Types of tourism

Types of tourism

When we generally talk about tourism, people hardly imagine that it has many forms and many types. But it actually has. To perform their touristic activities, people can travel abroad or travel within the border of their country. These two ways of traveling resume the two types of tourism. I explain more about it in this article.

International tourism

The term International tourism simply refers to tourism that crosses national borders. Sightseers are called sometimes for the purpose of their touristic activities to go abroad, to cross the boundaries of many countries. It is generally subdivided into two types; inbound tourism and outbound tourism. For a given country, inbound tourism is the arrival of tourists from foreign countries while outbound tourism is the departure of tourists abroad.
It involves in many cases long distance travelling even if it may implicate short distances. During international traffic, tourists meet different people, face many languages and sometimes use many currencies. It means that tourists should conform themselves to many legislations, and keep their valid passport and visa. This kind of tourism has a significant impact on the environment, given the long distance travel and the transportation means used.

Domestic tourism

It is possible to have natural and exotic landscapes at home. In this case, no need to cross the border and go abroad. For countries having beautiful scenery and historical landmarks, domestic tourism is very developed. So, domestic tourism is the fact of travelling within one’s own country. This kind of tourism is easier, compared to international tourism. It doesn’t involve foreign exchanges, a passport, a visa nor compulsory health checks. Apart from the absence of tedious formalities, language problems don't exist in domestic tourism either. Domestic tourism is a very implementable tool for some local government politics of redistributing wealth. It could be used to eliminate poverty and foster the quick start of the local economy.


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